
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Prom Dresses

My sister called me yesterday for our weekly chat. She just got asked to prom for the first time! We're all so excited for her. She always comes to be for fashion advice, since she's seen my closet and knows my love for clothes!

When I was in high school and getting ready for prom, I always got my dress early in "prom dress season" as I like to call it, before all the dresses get picked over. I told her that now is the perfect time to find her dream dress. That way, she can tell her friends which one she gets so they don't get the same one! Now that would be a girl's worst nightmare..

I was looking online last night and found a great website for prom dresses. They have a huge variety of prom dresses including both long and short dresses of all different colors and sizes. They are also having a sale right now, so my advice is to get it now! That way, if any alterations need to be made, there will be plenty of time to do so before the big event.

I also reminded her just how important flowers are to compliment the perfect dress! So all you prom-goers out there, find the perfect dress and then add the flowers afterwards. Start shopping :)

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