
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Mask for a Healthy Glow

Everybody strives for skin that glows. I'm not talking about that nasty "glow" that you get at the gym. I'm talking about a beautiful, natural-looking glow, much like this:
See how natural and beautiful this looks? Now this is the part where I tell you how you can do this. It's SUPER easy and cheap, and you're going to love it! Hopefully you have the ingredients right in your own home. This is super natural and is great because there are no nasty preservatives of harsh chemicals.

Take two teaspoons of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey and mix together well into a small cup or dish. Steam your face to open up your pores. You can do this by taking a long hot shower. Apply the mixture onto your face. Massage onto your face and leave it for twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water and you're done!

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